Massive 50% Discount at FundedNext – $6k and $15k Accounts (Updated May 2024)

funded next promo

Update: Please check here for further 50% off deals.

On this page, we will keep a record of all current and past promotions, discounts and coupon codes offered by FundedNext. This prop firm was rated number 4 by our community members out of over 50 firms!

Please see below for the latest promotion.

Latest Promotion: 5% – 15% discount on all challenges

FundedNext Logo

FundedNext have not been releasing as many promotions as they used to, likely due to the current prop firm climate. Nonetheless, we have been given the following code which will entitle the user to between 5-15% discount on the cost of a challenge.

In order to claim this discount, just use the following code on the checkout screen:

Code: PTC

FundedNext is a Verified Prop Frim.

Previous Discounts and promotions

The 50% off deals have been very popular in the past couple of months. So much so that, now FundedNext is offering one of their own!

For a limited time, users can receive a 50% discount on any $6k or $15k stellar challenge.

The stellar challenges feature:

  • No time limits
  • Low profit targets
  • One or two-phase options
  • Relaxed rules

It’s unclear how long this promotion is running, so it’s best to take advantage of the great offer now!

Read more about the FundedNext Challenges here : FundedNext Prop Firm Review – Including New Stellar Challenges

Claim this Offer

To claim this offer use the button below to head to FundedNext and use the code:

Promo Code: FN50

Terms of offer

Below of the communication sent by FundedNext regarding this offer:

Dear Traders,

Are you ready to embark on an interstellar journey to trading success?

FundedNext has an irresistible offer just for you! For a limited time, enjoy a Massive 50% Discount on all our $6K and $15K Challenges!

It’s time to take your trading game to new heights and boost your potential profits.

To claim this amazing offer, simply use the Coupon Code-FN50 

But that’s not all! We’re not just any prop firm; we stand out from the crowd by offering traders a remarkable 15% profit sharing from the profits made during the challenge phase.

 Please note: This exclusive offer is available only to new signups. Each trader can utilize the coupon code a maximum of two times, so make sure to seize this opportunity while it lasts!

Don’t miss your chance to join the ranks of successful traders.

Wishing you profitable trades and an exciting journey ahead!

Onwards & Upwards,
Team FundedNext

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